Safeguarding within the ISST
ISST holds safeguarding at the heart of its organization as such membership of ISST is subject to each school providing the ISST CPO with current school child protection policy, safeguarding guidelines and policies, trip guidelines and procedures in place for if/when an incident occurs. The safeguarding policies and procedures of each school will be kept in a file with the ISST CPO and must be updated when membership schools make any updates.
ISST member schools must provide the ISST organization with details of the school’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or Director of the host school where there is currently no DSL (DHS). This list will be made available to all membership Athletic Directors for distribution to Tournament Directors.
In all cases, safeguarding incidents must follow the points below.
Immediately notify the DSL or DHS of the school or schools involved ONLY
The Safeguarding Incident Report Form (SIRF) form must completed as soon as possible by the adult who is initially alerted to the incident. The form must then be submitted immediately to the DSL of the schools involved. This may not mean the host school.
A copy of the SIRF from must also be provided to the ISST CPO
Please ensure your:
DSL officer has a copy of this ISST Safeguarding section of the ISST Handbook in order to follow procedure
DSL officer has a copy of the ISST School list of DSL Officers and their contact information
DSL officer has a copy of the ISST SIRF Form
coaches and adult supervisors are briefed on this section and the handbook and understand the procedures they need to take when there is a disclosure.
Safeguarding Incident Report Form (SIRF)
This document MUST be completed without the presence of OR knowledge of the person who the allegation is being made against.
Click HERE for the Safeguarding Incident Report Form (SIRF)